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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hes 18 now.......

So hes 18 today.

And shes prancing around like its the best damn day ever.
I'll explain why Im angry.

1. My ignorant ass ex, lets call him Devon
2. A friend of a few years of mine- Lets call her Janice,

Alright, about... 2 years ago, I dated Devon. Me and him were "In love" blah blah. We planned a life together, he said he'd even wait 5 years for me to turn 18 so we can get married. (I was 12 at the time, and he was 15.) One day, he broke up with me, to this day I'm unsure why. He left me for MY friends cousin, (Lets call her Sarah, For awhile I was completely heartbroken.
I honestly disliked her for awhile.
Honestly, for awhile. I disliked her, because I thought she was the reason we broke up.
So anyway, Devon told the same shit to Sarah he did me, I felt as if she deserved it....

ANYWAY. like...I told Janice about Devon like days after we broke up. I tell her how during the relationship how much he hurt me ETC, (Though I was stupid enough to still stay with him) What does Janice do? Become friends with him. About 2 months later,she complains to me daily about how sorry she feels for Devon, and how shes flirting with him (May I also mention at the time she was dating this guy, who a year and 6 months later, shes. still. with.)
2 years later.
I move on, I learned how much of a douchebag Devon can be (I'm not going to explain everything, that will take way too long...... ) But one night, I was talking to Sarah, We both discovered we're Kpop fangirls XDD
I learned shes a really really nice girl, and she told me some things that Devon said... and wished about me. (I'd type it up.... but I'd probably tear up..)

I tell Janice this the next morning,
Shes like "Oh." and continues being best friends with him.
Really...? I've told her over the course of 2 years of how much damage mentally, and physically hes done to me, and most recently told her about Sarah.
What inspried this rant..? Today is his birthday, hes 18 now. I go on Facebook, she wished him Happy birthday and a great life.
Please, with all the drinking and drugs he does, he might not make it to 19. I dont wish death upon anyone in my life... but... urg...

Some people I need to just cut from my life.......
I still have mental, and physical scars from Devon, and Janice still treats him like hes so nice.
.. Fuck it.

(Your most likely confused, Since I didnt go into detail. The abuse didnt actually start until after we broke up... we became "Friends" and I helped him with his drug and drinking problem... So did Sarah... I dont want to tell anymore at the moment, i just felt like venting. -____-)


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