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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why do Women have to shave their erm... You know?

So my Twitter Timeline is going crazy with this chick, (Dang, shes even trending, poor girl.)
Because of this video,
(The video involves a chick masturbating, just warning you.)

Which brings me to my question,
Why do women have to shave to avoid judgement?
I mean, All I'm hearing are these thristy, lonely ass dudes, and Dirty hoes talking about,
"Awwww! She needa' shave tha' cootchie!"
... Uhm, Why exactly?

I honestly don't see the reason to shave there, I mean, some women do because they say they feel cleaner.
But actually... Its just hair. I mean, really. Its not going to kill you.
And then my thristy guyfriends are talking about,
"Ewww. I wouldn't eat that."
"Dayummm, she needa trem dat' bush, I ain't gonna smash."
(Actually, these guys would have sex with any woman that offered, even if she had Blue Waffle, So I don't know why they're lying)

I even see campains telling women to "Shave they're erm, "Kitty".
I think its stupid, Ladies. If a guy decides he doesn't want to sleep with you, JUST because of your pubic hair.
Dump him- I mean as long as your clean, he shouldnt even care.
Now I know someone is going to be like,
"Pshh! You probably got a bush too! Stupid Feminist."
1. I will not share details of how my private area is kept, thank you.
2. I'm not a Feminist, honestly, I don't know enough about the Womens Rights Movement to even be a Feminist.

In conclusion, .... Theres really nothing wrong with this video. (Well, besides the fact that shes naked, and shes masturbating..... ) I'm going to say the most ghetto thing ever, mostly because I'm tired, and I don't feel like giving an intelligent ending statement,
Who cares about dem' hatahs!!! It is yo' American RIGHT to masturbate on camera, showin' yo hairy kitty n' errthanggg, just let dem' hatahs, keep hattin', just do you boo.

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