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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lets Bieber-Bash.


Let me start off by saying:
The Author of this article is another judgemental idiot.
He acts as if just because Justin Beieber is 16 he has zero logical input on such a controversal topic, honestly, I'm not a fan of his music, I prefer Kpop and Rapcore. But we should praise youth that actually give a damn about such topics, instead of judging them as if adults are the only people in this world that are allowed to have an intelligent opinion.

Now. With my opinions on Abortion, Now. I am for Abortion for some reasons. Example
1. If the woman could die due to the pregnancy
2. If the mother could pass on a diease such as HIV/AIDs to the child, since no one should have to suffer with such diease
3. Rape

And the author also acts as if Justin Bieber is some horrible artist, Just because he began puberty late does not mean he cant sing, We all know Justin Bieber is talented, but Bieber-Bashing is a cool bandwagon to jump on apparently.  He can sing, and play the drums like a pro. Thats what should get you fame, Talent. But since hes attractive and has millions of fangirls that apparently means hes such a pretty face. (Yet. NO one has a damn problem with Kim K. Just Sayin')

And do not bring up that "Its MY body I can do WHAT I want with it" crap. Because its not just about one person, its another life. Thats like saying "I can kill my unborn child if I PLEASE because I am a woman with RIGHTS!" Example:
If a driver accidently runs over a pregnant woman and kills her, the driver would be charged with 2 murders.
Why? She is with child, A child is a human, a human is another person. You follow my drift?


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