Let me start off by saying this.
Just because you have read the bible from front to back, does not mean you are more important, or better than a Christian who has only read Genesis, Esther, or "The chapters with Jesus".
I think this needs to be said again.
Just because you have read the bible from front to back, does not mean you are more important, or better than a Christian who has only read Genesis, Esther, or "The chapters with Jesus".
Because I'm going to have to become a sinner in a moment on these JUDGMENTAL CHRISTIANS.
Oh know, its not just the older folks. Its the young ones too. Now I fully encourage anyone and everyone to read the bible, even if you are not Christian, and do not believe in the existence of Jesus, there is alot of things in the Bible that can help you lead a less-stressful life.
I haven't even read half of the bible, and these freaking self-proclaimed Super Christians believe they are better, or more important than me JUST because they have read every single page in the Old Testimate, AND New Testimate.
And I find it just completely idiotic.
I am a highly knowledgeable, open-minded, intelligent person, (Not meaning to sound conceited) and honestly...(Forgive me for name calling, lord)
But I am fed up with these ignorant "I only sleep, breathe and eat Rap culture", Big headed, Nosy, Judgmental, Ghetto, uninformative teenage Christians thinking they know everything about the word JUST because they've read the old testimate.
I have a friend of mine, I love him to death, but he is a total close-minded moron.
This dude, he will believe almost anything a less-than-honorable rapper tells him, smokes pot, will have sex with any girl, and drinks himself until drunk.
Thinks he is the greatest human alive because he's read the entire Bible.
And then has the nerve to lecture me on my wrong doings. REALLY?
But then, will also pressure me into smoking, drinking and acting like a whore.
Ignorant things like this is honestly why 60% (And I think I've estimated too low) of Agnostics/Atheists think that Christians are just insane.
Alot of the time, it has nothing to do with our belief in a God. Its because 50% of Christians act like they do not sin, or never have sinned, ONLY because they read the bible, and act like they're God.
I mean, I'm all for being confident in God, and showing the world that you are.
But you cannot just force religion on someone, you can influence them.
Shoving a bible down a non-believer's throat and screaming, "The power of Christ compels you!"
Is not going to solve anything.
I'm done here... Its 6:16am, my throat hurts. and I am TIRED.
Overcoming Insecurities in Dating and Relationships
5 months ago